Sunday, March 2, 2008

weekend up date 3-2-08

--Iran offers $1 billion loan for Iraq projects. NYT, 3-1-08, A8

--[Fort Wayne] Bush aide [liaison to the social and religious conservatives] resigns over plagiarism in columns he wrote [discovered by Fort Wayne blogger]-- NYT, 3-1-08, A8

--Attorney general Michael Mukasey on Friday rejected referring contempt citations against President Bush’s chief of staff and former counsel to a federal grand jury. Mr. Mukasey said they had committed no crime. Mr. Mukasey said the chief of staff, Joshua Bolton, and the former counsel, Harriet E. Miers, were right in refusing to provide Congress with White House documents or to testify about the firings of federal prosecutors. NYT 3-1-08, A14

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