Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Dec. 25

And while little by little Christmas has lost its truth for us as an anniversary, it has at the same time, through the gentle emanation of accumulated memories, taken on a more and more living reality, in which candlelight … the smell of its tangerines imbibing the warmth of heated rooms, the gaiety of its cold and its fires, the scent of tea and mimosa, return to us overlaid with the delectable honey of our personality, which we have unconsciously been depositing over the years during which—engrossed in selfish pursuits—we paid no attention to it, and now suddenly it sets our hearts to beating . . .
--Proust, letters

Friday, December 21, 2007

Homage to Catalonia

In Catalonia, for the first few months, most of the actual power was in the hands of the Anarcho-Syndicalists, who controlled most of the key industries. The thing that had happened in Spain was, in fact, not merely a civil war, but the beginning of a revolution. It is this fact that the anti-Fascist press outside Spain has made it is special business to obscure...

...I had dropped more or less by chance into the only community of any size in Western Europe where political consciousness and disbelief in capitalism were more normal than their opposites. ... There is a sense in which it would be true to say that one was experiencing a foretaste of Socialism, by which I mean that the prevailing mental atmosphere was that of Socialism. Many of the normal motives of civilized life—snobbishness, money-grubbing, fear of the boss, etc.—had simply ceased to exist. The ordinary class-division of society had disappeared to an extent that is almost unthinkable in the money-tainted air of England; there was no one there except the peasants and ourselves, and no one owned anyone else as his master. Of course such a state of affairs could not last. It was simply a temporary and local phase in an enormous game that is being played over the whole surface of the earth. But it lasted long enough to have its effect upon anyone who experienced it. ... One had been in a community where hope was more normal than apathy or cynicism, where the word “comrade” stood for comradeship and not, as in most countries, for humbug. ... In that community where no one was on the make, where there was a shortage of everything but no privilege and no boot-licking, one got, perhaps, a crude taste of what the opening stages of Socialism might be like. ... The effect was to make my desire to see Socialism established much more actual than it had been before. ... This period which then seemed so futile and eventless is now of great importance to me. It is so different from the rest of my life that already it has taken on the magic quality which, as a rule, belongs only to memories that are years old. It was beastly while it was happening, but it is a good patch for my mind to browse upon. I wish I could convey to you the atmosphere of that time...

...The Spanish bourgeoisie saw their chance of crushing the labour movement, and took it, aided by the Nazis and by the forces of reaction all over the world... In essence it was a class war. If it had been won, the cause of the common people everywhere would have been strengthened. It was lost, and the dividend-drawers all over the world rubbed their hands. That was the real issue; all else was froth on its surface... All the considerations are likely to make one falter—the siren voices of a Petain or of a Gandhi, the inescapable fact that in order to fight one has to degrade oneself, the equivocal moral position of Britain, with its democratic phrases and its coolie empire, the sinister development of Soviet Russia, the squalid farce of left-wing politics—all this fades away and one sees only the struggle of the gradually awakening common people against the lords of property and their hired bumsuckers. The question is very simple

--George Orwell, HOMAGE TO CATALONIA. 50, 101-103, 233, 240, 245

you read it here first

--After protesters clashed violently with the police inside and outside the New Orleans City Council chambers on Thursday, the Council voted unanimously to allow the federal government to demolish 4500 apartments in the four biggest public housing projects here.-NYT A27----Old Line Families Escape Worst of Flood and Plot the Future. Mr. Reiss said he and other business leaders will no longer tolerate living in a dangerous city with bad schools and substandard municipal services. “Those who want to see this city rebuilt want to see it done in a completely different way … “ The power elite of NOLA … insist the remade city won’t simply restore the old order. –WSJ, A-12 Sept. 12, 2005 [sic]

--In a 1963 essay for Ayn Rand’s newsletter, Alan Greenspan dismissed as a “collectivist” myth the idea that businessmen, left to their own devices, “would attempt to sell unsafe food and drugs and fraudulent securities, and shoddy buildings.” On the contrary, he declared, “it is in the self-interest of every businessman to have a reputation for honest dealings and a quality product.” NYT A31-- Gaitskill gives Granite/Rand the needling she deserves, and it would all be very funny except for the fact that people beyond Dorothy take Rand seriously. People like Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, and a number of other people on the Right who now enjoy positions of great power and influence in this country. Indeed, the rest of the people on the Right who might not seem inclined to share the religionless vision of Rand and Greenspan nevertheless seem to embrace the worldview summarized in The Gods Disdained excerpt given above. Again: The book was about the struggle of a few isolated, superior people to ward off the attacks of the mean-minded majority as they created all the beautiful important things in the world while having incredible sex with each other. It ended with almost all the inferior majority being blown up in chemical disasters, perishing in airplane wrecks or collapsing buildings, all more or less simultaneously, all as an indirect result of their own inferiority. (163) With some minor adjustments, the paragraph might well describe the essence of the Left Behind fantasies of the Christian Nazis who revel in their dreams of apocalypse. In short, it might be fine if these issues of power, abuse, and abasement were confined to the bedroom. Unfortunately they leak and pour into offices, schoolyards, workplaces, and politics. EXTREME PROUST, p. 337

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Dec. 20, 2007

--Morgan Stanley ... received a $5 billion investment from a Chinese fund in exchange for a 9.9% stake. WSJ A1 (in 1907 JP Morgan bailed the USA out of a depression)

--kitsch is the absolute denial of shit—Milan Kundera—HARPERS, p99 Dec. 2007

--The preoccupation with decay and sapped energy relates directly to the human condition. –Cliché #3, ART CRITICISM 101: YOU TOO CAN BE AN ART CRITIC

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

your government at work

...according to current and former administration and intelligence officials The accounts indicate that the involvement of White House officials in the discussions before the destruction of the tapes in November 2005 was more extensive than Bush administration officials have acknowledged. NYT A1 probably because no one has any clear recollection of anything

--The Federal Reserve, acknowledging that home mortgage lenders aggressively sold deceptive loans to borrowers who had little chance of repaying them, proposed a broad set of restrictions Tuesday on exotic mortgages and high-cost loans for people with weak credit. NYT A1—cows and horses out of barn, mice still there

Catching Americans who Travel illegally to Cuba or who purchase cigars, rum or other products from the island may be distracting some American government agencies from higher-priority missions like fighting terrorism and combating narcotics traffic, a government audit released Wednesday says. NYT A3—feel safer yet? Or is this why Castro is going to retire?

--Despite a significant reduction in violence in Iraq over the past three months, the Iraqi government has made little headway in improving the delivery of electricity, health care and other essential services, a new Pentagon report said Tuesday. NYT A6 where is Market God when we need Him?

--Thousands of Colorado’s electronic voting machines do not work properly and have been decertified NYT A14 another surprise

--A Texas higher education panel has recommended allowing a Bibl-based Institute for Creation Research to offer online master’s degrees in science education. NYT A16 no surprise that God needs protection from Texas

--...as literary reading erodes, so does open-mindedness. ... readers are more likely to exercise, visit museums and engage in civic activities. WSJ B11, quoting NEW YORKER

--A week after Hurricane Katrina, a FEMA official ... issued a directive that would have cut through the red tape... FEMA higher-ups countermanded the order. SBT A9

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dec. 18, 2007

--Russia delivers its nuclear fuel to plan in Iran; a setback for the US. NYT A1. . . . overall the result is easy to predict: a regulatory pole will emerge in Eurasia, one closer to the geographic center of the world, and there will be a slowdown in the flow of goods, capital, and migration that currently nourishes the United States. The United States will then have to live like other nations, notably by reigning in its huge trade deficit, a constraint that would imply a 15 to 20 percent drop in the standard of living of the population. . . Todd, AFTER THE EMPIRE (2003) 199

--...thousands of New Orleanians forced out by Hurricane Katrina are settling in across the Gulf Coast, breaking their ties with the damaged city... NYT A1--: --Old Line Families Escape Worst of Flood and Plot the Future. Mr. Reiss said he and other business leaders will no longer tolerate living in a dangerous city with bad schools and substandard municipal services. “Those who want to see this city rebuilt want to see it done in a completely different way … “ The power elite of NOLA … insist the remade city won’t simply restore the old order. –WSJ, A-12 Sept. 12, 2005

-... American farmers are growing more corn than at any time since the 1940s. And sea life in the Gulf of Mexico is paying the price. The nation’s corn crop is fertilized with millions of pounds of nitrogen-based fertilizer. And when that nitrogen runs off fields in Corn Belt states, It makes its way to the Mississippi River and eventually pours into the Gulf, where it contributes to a growing “dead zone”—a 7900 square mile patch so depleted of oxygen that fish, crabs and shrimp suffocate. SBT A3 For an American like me, growing up linked to a very different food chain, yet one that is also rooted in a field of corn, NOT to think of himself as a corn person suggests either a failure of imagination or a triumph of capitalism... You are what you eat, it’s often said, and if that is true, then what we mostly are is corn—more precisely, processed corn. OMNIVORE’S DILEMMA p. 20

--infused with a heightened awareness of life and death-.—ART CRITICISM 101, YOU TOO CAN BE AN ART CRITIC (cliché #2)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Dec. 13-17

--Deeply concerned about the prospect of failure in Afghanistan the Bush administration and NATO have begun three top-to-bottom reviews of the entire mission... NYT 12-16-07, A1

--Iraq’s death squads have become more careful about hiding their victims’ bodies, making it hard to assess how much power they retain... WSJ, 12-17-07 B8

--Electric-shock techniques used by Chicago police in the 1970s and described in a report by the city echoed those used by US soldiers in Vietnam in the 1960s. Most of the alleged incidents implicated former commander Jon Burge, a decorated Vietnam war veteran. WSJ 12-17-07 B8

--His work here and elsewhere has a lot to do with internal and eternal and the space in between.—ART CRITICISM 101, YOU TOO CAN BE AN ART CRITIC (cliché #1)

--Policewomen in Iraq have been told to hand in their guns in the latest sign of cultural and religious conservatism... WSJ B12 Dec. 12, 2007 a republican, if not democratic, Iraq

--Alberto Gonzales named ABA’s Lawyer of the Year. The monthly magazine gave awards to lawyers who made the most news... “Think about Time magazine’s Person of the Year,” editor and publisher Adams said. “In years past they’ve named people like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin....” SBT A3 Dec. 13, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

22 ways to become a Republican (but you only need ONE!)

1. Believe that torture is moral.

2. Believe that torture is an effective tool in gathering information.

3. Believe that to catch a criminal in Afghanistan you should invade Iraq.


5. Believe that King James wrote the Bible.

6. Believe that Jesus planted dinosaur bones in the ground around 4000 BC to fool atheistical scientists.

7. Hand over your child for butt fucking to any politician or preacher who yells Jesus! three times in a row.

8. Hand over your child for killing in some desert to any draft dodging politician who hollers USA! three times in a row.

9. Believe that Jesus toted a machine gun and drove an SUV.

10. Believe that 9/11 happened because the USA had too many homos; and Katrina; and the Holocaust.

11. Believe that climate change doesn’t exist because you can’t find it mentioned in the Bible—even in the Greek and Hebrew editions.

12. Believe that tax cuts for the superrich will really help someone other than the superrich.

13. Believe it is fine for a USA President to hold hands with a Saudi prince, as long as he doesn’t suck his dick—unless he greases it with oil—and then sucks it for oil.

14. Believe that affirmative action sucks until Jews and Asians take tests.

15. Believe that cancer, polio, deformed babies, and Pat Robertson prove the existence of intelligent design.

16. Believe that women should shut up in church, cover their heads, defer to any human being who wears a penis, and, in short, act like they live in Saudi Arabia.

17. Believe in Christian LOVE as long as the neighbor is not black, brown, poor, immigrant, or gay.

18. Believe that one of the happiest pleasures of living in Heaven will be to watch all the sinners suffer in Hell.

19. Believe that Jesus is coming next week so who cares about melting down the stupid planet, and who cares about selling the whole USA to Chinese gangsters and Arab oil magnates.

20. Believe that Condi Rice is a good role model for Negroes; that Alberto Gonzales is not a whore; that Colon Powell has integrity; that Brownie did a heckuva job; that George Tenet deserves the medal of Freedom; that Rush Limbaugh is not a drug addict; that Larry Craig is not gay; that Jerry Falwell has a brain; and that George Bush a manly man who can talk English real good.

21. Believe that when “treason prospers none dare call it treason” applies only to some 1960s campaign slogan.

22. Believe that live isn’t worth living unless you have at least one inferior to hate, some boogey man to fear, and some boss to adore.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Dec. 10, 2007

--Last month, a federal judge in Canada ruled that the US had violated international conventions on torture and the rights of refugees. NYT A16

--Seven South American countries planned to found yesterday a development bank to demonstrate their joint independence from multilateral lending practices that some have blamed for economic crises. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela will be founding members of Banco del Sur, or Bank of the South, an initiative of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. All of the countries except Paraguay are led by leftists. WSJ A14

--...regime change, it turns out, is infectious—a militarily transmittable disease, almost invariable fatal, so far, to any political party or head of government so careless of hygiene to have had intimate relations with the Bush Administration’s Mesopotamian adventure[: Spain, Italy, Tony Blair, Australia, Hungary, Ukraine, Norway, Slovakia] NEW YORKER, Dec. 10, 2007 Hertzberg

--Madison Avenue is taking you back with a skein of campaigns celebrating sights and sound s of [the ‘60s] ...What is most intriguing about the rend is that the ads present many of the contentious aspects of the ‘60s--=the protests, the hippies, the challenge to authority—in a positive, even romantic light. ... The approach is ... a far cry from the demonization of the decade that still pervades political advertising, as evidenced by recent commercials for Senator John McCain that attacked Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has a product of the ‘60s culture. NYT C6

Sunday, December 9, 2007

weekend update, Dec. 8/9, 2007

--White House and DOJ officials, along with senior members of Congress, advised the CIA in 2003 against a plan to destroy hundreds of hours of videotapes showing the interrogations of two operatives of Al Qaeda, government officials said Friday. ... Top CIA officials had decided in 2003 to preserve the tapes in response to warnings from White House lawyers and lawmakers... Jose A. Rodriguez, Jr., then the chief of the agency’s clandestine service, the Directorate of Operations, had reversed that decision in November 2005 at a time when Congress and the courts were inquiring deeply into the CIA’s interrogation and detention program. NYT A1 Dec. 8,2007

--Dana Perino, the White Hose spokeswoman, said Friday that President Bush “has no recollection of being made aware of the tapes or their destruction before this week.—Ibid

--Destruction of CIA tapes could hinder prosecutions of terrorism suspects. –NYT A21, Dec. 9,2007

--At some point during the 20th century, the US invented adolescence. Where once there had merely been youth, there were now teenagers, with their own dress, music, magazines, books, economy, culture and expected patterns of behavior. ... researchers in sociology, psychology and human development [are now identifying] “emerging adulthood,” a time between ages 18 and 30 or so, when marriage and parenthood are often delayed, formal schooling is prolonged, job switching is frequent and parental support is extended. –NYT B11, Dec. 8, 2007

a few weeks before the Nobel Prize speech

"I have noticed that what young women are doing is looking for a husband, just as if there hadn't been any so-called feminist revolution," Lessing says. "Just open the newspaper and see, what has changed? Women are free to behave as men do, and they do, but they were doing that in the '20s.

"In the '20s after World War I, there were the bright young things, they didn't burn their bras, I don't know if they had proper bras, but they were just as good as men at stuff. They danced the tango, they lost their knickers, there was this great act of rebellion and humanism, and I don't think our liberated young women have gotten very much more advanced than that. They're very sensible in all kinds of ways. But a lot of them just want a man. I also know a lot of women who don't want children, which I think is marvelous."

In taking on the evils of World War I in her new book, Lessing is not shy about extending her condemnation to the wars of a new century. She called President Bush a "worldwide calamity," claims the U.S.' trauma from the Sept. 11 attacks has been overblown and insists U.S. military power has been less than fortuitous for the rest of the world.

"Well, it's not very pleasant, is it? I mean, I don't like it, who likes it?" she says. "I think what is likely to happen is that America might fall apart. . . . The whole of California would be perfectly happy by itself, I think, and the East Coast is such a different land. . . . So if there is some kind of cataclysmic thing, like a very bad economic problem, I can see it happening. And it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. I think probably Americans will think it's bad. But I don't think the outside world will think it a bad thing." LA TIMES Oct.23, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

NYRB highlights, Dec. 20, 2007 issue


--any life that ends in exile cannot have been totally mediocre. P. 10

--The first time that a male black seadevil meets his much larger mate, he bites her and never lets go. Over time, his veins and arteries grow together with hers, until he becomes a fetus-like dependent who receives from his mate’s blood all the food, oxygen, and hormones he requires to exist. The cost of this utter dependency is a loss of function in all of his organs except his testicles, but even these, it seems, are stimulated to action solely at the pleasure of the engulfing female. When she has had her way with him, the male seadevil simply vanishes, having been completely absorbed and dissipated into the flesh of his paramour, leaving her free to seek another mate. P. 47 –should find a robot instead

---[To preclude internal civil war, Roman historian Ronald Syme wrote] it was necessary [for Augustus] to invent a foreign danger that menaced everything that was American—oops, I mean ROMAN. P. 52

--The country quietly accepted the decision in BUSH V. GORE, liking it or not. At the time I thought that was right. We have to be able to look somewhere for finality, and in our system that is the Supreme Court. Today I am not quite so sure. More vocal protest against a lawless decision might have been better for the country and the Court.—p. 61--Antony Lewis. So even a liberal can see it now...

--I didn’t realize the immense prestige that inhumanity and brutality have among nationalists. I also didn’t grasp to what degree they are impervious to reason. To point out the inevitable consequences of their actions didn’t make the slightest impression on them, since they refused to believe in cause and effect .... As is usually the case everywhere, a craven corrupt intellectual class was unwilling to sound the alarm that war crimes were being committed, accustomed as they were ... to being servants to power. 71,72—Simic writing on Americans—oops, I mean SERBS

--For Hitler ... it seemed obvious that America had achieved its industrial advantage and high standard of living through its conquest of the West and its extermination of the Native American population. If Germany, as Europe’s leading power, did not do something similar, the “threatened global hegemony of the North American continent” would degrade all the European powers to the level of “Switzerland and Holland.” ... Hitler’s drive to conquer Eastern Europe was based on a very modern model, a model of colonization, enslavement, and extermination that had its parallels in the creation of European empires in Africa and Australia, or the 19th century Russian conquest of Central Asia and Siberia. 76 USA!USA!

time for a robot merit badge

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6 — A scout leader who once sued the City of Berkeley for challenging a national Boy Scout ban on members who are gay or atheist has been arrested on felony charges that for at least five years he sexually abused young males in the troops he led.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

NYT Dec. 6, 2007

--One big bank that saw the trouble coming, Goldman Sachs, began reducing its inventory of mortgages and mortgage securities last year. Even so, Goldman went on to package and sell more than $6 billion of new securities backed by subprime mortgages during the first nine months of this year. A1 Thank you, Market God!

--A Santa Claus starting his fourth year at a store in Cairns said he had been fired for saying “Ho! Ho! Ho!” which, according to local reports, the recruitment agency Westaff, the country’s biggest Santa supplier, feels might frighten children and be seen as demeaning to women. The agency wants its Santas to say “Ha! Ha! Ha!” instead, the reports said.—A8

--BAGHDAD, Dec. 5 — Senior Pentagon and military officials said Wednesday that Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates had decided against a proposal to shift Marine Corps forces from Iraq to take the lead in American operations in Afghanistan. Mr. Gates told top Marine Corps officials and his senior aides that the situation in western Iraq, where the Marines now operate in Anbar Province, remained too volatile to contemplate such a significant change in how the ground combat mission in Iraq is shared by the Army and the Marine Corps. A14 the surge continues to work

WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 — The birth rate among teenagers 15 to 19 in the United States rose 3 percent in 2006, according to a report issued Wednesday, the first such increase since 1991. The finding surprised scholars and fueled a debate about whether the Bush administration’s abstinence-only sexual education efforts are working. The federal government spends $176 million annually on such programs. But a landmark study recently failed to demonstrate that they have any effect on delaying sexual activity among teenagers, and some studies suggest that they may actually increase pregnancy rates. A16. Everything else from GWB works so well

--About one in every 31 adults in the US was in prison, in jail or on supervised release at the end of last year, the DOJ reported yesterday. ... In several states, incarceration for blacks were more than 10 times the rate of whites. A16 is this a great country, or what?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

why are these states smiling--or not?....

--In a nationwide ranking on depression and suicide rates ... those absolutely giddy South Dakotans topped the list as the happiest.—SBT Dec. 5, 2007 D1

--Attempted sex with a mannequin behind a closed door may be unusual, but it’s not indecent exposure which would require a 19 year old to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life, according to the South Dakota Supreme Court. NLJ, Nov. 19, 2007

--Utah is the most depressed state... SBT op cit.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


-- Dec. 3, 2007--U.S. intelligence officials now believe Iran halted its nuclear weapons development program in fall 2003 under international pressure. The findings represent a change from two years ago, when U.S. intelligence agencies thought Iran was determined to develop a nuclear capability and was continuing its weapons-development program. Officials said Iran continues to enrich uranium, which means it may still be able to develop a weapon between 2010 and 2015, according to the new assessment. –WSJ—American intelligence = oxymoron

-- BOISE, Idaho (Dec. 3) -- Eight men say they either had sex with Sen. Larry Craig or were targets of sexual advances by the Idaho lawmaker at various times during his political career, a newspaper reported.—AOL—should have found a robot

--The actor Brad Pitt’s ambitious efforts to build a state-of-the-art, eco-friendly, sustainable housing facility in New Orleans’ ravaged Ninth War in record time recently suffered a setback when develops discovered that construction is taking place on deeply polluted land. “Much of the Lower Ninth War is also toxic, so it’s really not a surprise,” said a source with intimate knowledge of the project. NYO, Nov. 26, 2007, p6—which is probably why Blacks were allowed to own housing there to begin with...

Monday, December 3, 2007

this guy is really really smart!

The ordinary expense of the greater part of modern governments in time of peace being equal or nearly equal to their ordinary revenue, when war comes they are both unwilling and unable to increase their revenue in proportion to the increase of their expense. They are unwilling for fear of offending the people, who, by so great and so sudden an increase of taxes, would soon be disgusted with the war; and they are unable from not well knowing what taxes would be sufficient to produce the revenue wanted. The facility of borrowing delivers them from the embarrassment which this fear and inability would otherwise occasion. By means of borrowing they are enabled, with a very moderate increase of taxes, to raise, from year to year, money sufficient for carrying on the war, and by the practice of perpetually funding they are enabled, with the smallest possible increase of taxes, to raise annually the largest possible sum of money. In great empires the people who live in the capital, and in the provinces remote from the scene of action, feel, many of them, scarce any inconveniency from the war; but enjoy, at their ease, the amusement of reading in the newspapers the exploits of their own fleets and armies. To them this amusement compensates the small difference between the taxes which they pay on account of the war, and those which they had been accustomed to pay in time of peace. They are commonly dissatisfied with the return of peace, which puts an end to their amusement, and to a thousand visionary hopes of conquest and national glory from a longer continuance of the war.

The return of peace, indeed, seldom relieves them from the greater part of the taxes imposed during the war.

Adam Smith, THE WEALTH OF NATIONS (1776) pp 919-20

Sunday, December 2, 2007

weekend update, Dec. 1/2, 2007

--Norway’s sovereign fund is one of the world’s largest and most transparent state investment vehicles. Last year, it cited “serious and systematic” human- and labor- rights abuses in divesting itself of all of its shares in Wal-Mart Stores Inc., valued at 416 million.—WSJ Dec 1/2, 2007 A11

--Abundance (as Daniel Bell once observed) may be the American substitute for socialism; but as shared social objectives go, shopping remains something of an underachievement. –NYRB Dec. 6, 2007. P26

--Corruption and theft are not new to Iraq, and government officials have promised to address the problem. But as Iraqis and American official sasses the effects of this year’s American troop increase, there is a growing sense that, even as security has improved Iraq has slipped to new depths of lawlessness. NYT A1 Dec. 2, 2007. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

--Robots in love. By 2025 “at the latest’ [David Levy ] predicts “artificial emotion technologlies” will allow robots to be more emotionally available than the typical American Human male.—NYTBR, Dec. 2, 2007, p 14

--Lawyers in love. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in October that attorney Michaell Inglimo did not violate a state regulation that bars a lawyer from having sex “with a current client.” Inglimo had sex with a client’s girl friend during a three-way session, but according to thbe judges, the regulation bans only direct sex with the client.—SBT, Dec. 2, 2007, A8