Monday, January 21, 2008

politics and the english language

Jan 21, 2008. It is now less than one year, and the most remarkable presidency in our [so-called] republic will be at an end. How to honor what this great and moral man has wrought both in history and the English tongue? By doing something great and moral to commemorate him in both history and language, of course. I propose henceforth that the most common and vulgar word in our abused language be replaced with the more commemorative and less obscene word, “bush.” I.e., hence forth we will say “bush you,” or, “go bush yourself,” or, “bush you, motherbusher.” The true Christians may also want to replace another word with “george,” as in “go george in your hat,” or, “Dad, Rover has left a steaming pile of george in the back yard, who’s going to clean it up?”

1 comment:

kayoz said...

what the bush are you talking about? i so much agree with you on that that i actually will try to follow your recommendation. i love the idea...gimme more of that george! (laughs)