Sunday, April 25, 2010

weekend update

4-25-2010—“She [GOP Gov. of AZ] felt that the majority of Arizona fall on the side of, Let’s solve the [immigration] problem and not worry about the Constitution.”—[former AZ Att.Gen.,GOP]—NYT A15
--Not your daughter’s jeans: hot doesn’t have to come in flashes.—Bloomingdale Nordstrom Ad, NYT ST9
--So to a contemporary writer like the Soviet-born Andreï Makine, who found political asylum here in 1987, French promises assimilation and a link to the great literary tradition of Zola and Proust. He recounted the story of how, 20-odd years ago, his first manuscripts, which he wrote in French, were rejected by French publishers because it was presumed that he couldn’t write French well enough as a foreigner.
Then he invented the name of a translator, resubmitted the same works as if they were translations from Russian, and they won awards. He added that when his novel “Dreams of My Russian Summers” became a runaway best seller and received the Prix Goncourt, publishing houses in Germany and Serbia wanted to translate the book from its “original” Russian manuscript, so Mr. Makine spent two “sleepless weeks,” he said, belatedly producing one.—NYT AR 21
--4-24-2010—Chinese Military seeks to extend its naval power.NYT A1 [you read it here first]
--Rating Agencies Shared Data and Wall St. Seized Advantage NYT A1 [luv these markets!]
--4-24/25-2010—The bishop of Bruges, Belgium, on Friday became the third European bishop in three days to offer his resignation, after admitting he sexually abused a child 25 years ago. WSJ A6 [hey, he seized his advantage...]
--Ibid. The Army filed formal charges against Lt.Col. Terry Lakin, a military physician who refused to deploy to Afghanistan because he believes President Crack Obama hasn’t proven he was born in the US.—WSJ A5 [military medicine is to medicine as military music is to music...]
--Ibid.—Thirty five people at the [SEC] were found to have looked at porn over the past five years [so now we know why the SEC didn’t catch all the inside informationsharing...]

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