Sunday, February 21, 2010

weekend words of comfort

—2-21-201---A last-ditch effort to keep Dutch troops in Afghanistan brought down the governing coalition in the Netherlands ... NYT A12
--Afghan Army Lags in Battle; In Marja, Marines do the heavy lifting. NYT A1
--Whether it’s the Somali pirates, who created a national economy based on corruption; the drug lords in Afghanistan and Columbia; or the Mafia in Moscow, corruption elsewhere dwarfs the worst crime in Illinois, New Jersey and New York. NYT 27A
--2/20-21-2010--“[federal response to Toyota problems] isn’t an NHTSA failure under this president. There is a continuation of a failure” that may go back more than a decade. --GOP Congressman Issa. WSJ B5
--2/11/2010—The lesson Stalin should have taught us==and if he didn’t, then the more recent history delivered by Dick Cheney will do—with the paradoxical one that that the more security-conscious a state becomes, the more insecure are those it is supposedly trying to protect. LRB 33

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