Wednesday, January 27, 2010


1-27-2009—The book says that John Paul, who died in 2005, engaged in a practice known as mortification, the self-infliction of pain in order to feel closer to God, whipping himself with a belt that he kept in his closet.—NYT A12 [and God said it was good]

--Rivalries in Iraq Keep GI’s in the Field. US Acts as Arbiter At Ethic Fault Line. NYT A6 [and USA said it was good]

--Former Justice O’Connor Sees Ill in Election Finance Ruling. “Gosh,” she said, “I step away for a couple of years and there’s no telling what’s going to happen.”NYT A17 [Gosh indeed, Sandy, golly gee gosh indeed]

--James Harper III, a former federal prosecutor hired by the gun maker Glock to investigate fraud within the company, was indicted with two other men in the theft of about $3 million from the company. –NYT A17

--...unemployment also harms the community.—Norway’s prime minister, New Year’s address NYT A23 [does Obama read Norwegian?]

--the economic recession has exposed ethical shortcomings in the way market and society operate.—NYT A23 Dutch Queen Beatrix speech from the throne [does Obama read Dutch?]

--Why settle for Ivy League cool when we have Cosmo hot? Why settle for a professor who favors banks, pharmaceutical companies and profligate Democrats when we can have an Everyman who favors banks, pharmaceutical companies and profligate Republicans?—Maureen Dowd, NYT A23

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