Monday, December 28, 2009

weekend update

12-28-09—Only as the recession recedes will it become fully evident how permanently the state’s role has expanded and whether, as a consequence, a new, hybrid strain of American capitalism is emerging. WSJ A1
--Democrats “want 80 to 90% of Americans on government health care, that’s not a good thing for our country.”—Sen. Jim DeMint (R,SC) WSJ A3
--The Netherlands, Germany and Austria have all relied heavily on so-called short-work programs to keep people in their jobs in the wake of the financial crisis. All three have managed to keep unemployment from soaring... WSJ A10
-- DJIA today stands at just 10520.10, no higher than in 1999... In 1999 dollars, the Dow is only at about 8200 ...starting at 10520,10, the Dow would have to surpass 13450 to its 1999 levl in real, inflation-adjusted numbers.—WSJ C1
12-26-09—We’ve had more luck winning the equal right to 70-hours weeks than we’ve had selling the equal value of care-giving.—Ellen Goodman

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