Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ides of September

9-15-09—“We won this war [WWII] because our men are brave and because of many things—because of Russia, England and China and the passage of time and the gift of nature’s material. We did not win it because destiny created us better than all other peoples. I hope that in victory we are more grateful than proud.”—Ernie Pyle (1945) NYT A27
--Senate votes to deny funds to ACORN after video airs. SBT A3
--“If the free market was the solution to all problems and was never wrong, when then are we in such a situation?” asked Mr. Sarkozy. “We need to change criteria.” ..Sarkozy is suggesting gauges of economic health encompass well-being in addition to GDP. Measures could nclude Employment levels, Health Care, Vacation, Household Assets and Income, Consumption, and Education.—WSJ A13
October HARPERS, p. 13:
--Percentage of their countries’ respective GDPs that the US and Chinese stimulus packages represent: 6, 13
--Portion of China’s stimulus spending that will go toward infrastructure projects: 2/5
--Portion of US spending that will: 1/8
--Percentage of Americans who could be sent to medical school in China this year on the total US health spending: 100

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