Sunday, November 15, 2009

weekend update

--11-15-09When President Obama visits China for the first time on Sunday, he will, in many ways, be assuming the role of profligate spender coming to pay his respects to his banker. NYT A1
--While President Obama’s decision about sending more troops to Afghanistan is mimarily a military one, it also has substantial budget implications that are adding pressure to limit the commitment...NYT A1
—G W Bush , who made it an early goal to push conservatives into the judicial pipeline and left a strong stamp on the courts, had already nominated 28 appellate and 36 district candidates at a comparable point in his tenure. By contrast, Mr. Obama has offered 12 nomination to appeals courts and 14 to district courts. ... There are nearly 100 vacancies on federal courts....NYT A19
--Instead of marking Veterans Day or Armistice Day on Nov. 11, Germany on Sunday observes Volkstrauertag, its national day of mourning for soldiers and civilians who did in war, as well as for victims of violent oppression.—NYT WK1
--Not too long ago, Mr. Gosse said, a 20-year something male wouldn't admit to dating a woman over 40. “Now it is a badge of honor,” he said. NYT ST 14
--11-13-09—The growing influence of Brazil and China in the world economy received further recognition this week when the most commonly used benchmark for emerging-market stocks—and the mutual funds that track them—increased the weighting of companies in those nations. –WSJ C13
--11--07-09Fewer Harvard MBA graduates took jobs on Wall Street this year compared to 20008. And ... it actually could be a good thing... SBT C6

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